Monday, November 27, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving, I'm not sure if it was this last week or if it's this week. Sadly, Thanksgiving isn't celebrated here in Mexico. The next big holiday in Mexico is the 12 of Diciembre where they celebrate the virgin of Guadalupe.
But I would feel ungrateful if I didn't express my gratitude. I feel like I have been highly favored of the Lord. My whole life has been filled with wonderful blessing. First and most importantly the knowledge of Jesus Christ and his atonement, fill my life with joy. The world would be a sad, dark and cruel place without Him. I've met a lot of sad people who feel the way they feel because they don't have Christ; they don't know him, and they don't know what he did for him. Jesus Christ makes salvation possible, eternal happiness with our families in this life and in the life to come. How grateful I am for my Savior Jesus Christ. I know he loves me, and I always want him to know that I love him.
Anyway, this was a pretty good week. We were hard at work in Pabellon Days. With everyone out in the hubabalu, it's been a little difficult to find people in the homes, but it's been great to be able to talk to people in the street, and to find more poeple to teach. On Tuesday there was an hermana that had promised to make the cookies that we were going to hand out and have them ready on Tuesday in the afternoon, so we showed up Tuesday after having remindered her a few times, and she said oh no elderes I forgot! Rutroh, so we made the cookies on Tuesday and handed them out on Wednesday. But the good new is that the hermana and her family who made the cookies are starting to become active again. According to my companion, in all his time, here they've never made it out to church, but these past 2 Sundays, they've been there. Here in Pabellon there are a of inactives that haven't been visited in a long time. The other good news is that the cookie activity was a success! And there were still cookies left afterwards for us! Anyways I've gotta bounce out we are going to go to Rincon to see if we can visit a few folks, have a great week!
Love elder Webb

welp this picture won't load so I guess there will be no action shots today

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