Sunday, June 25, 2017

I never know what to title this

Howdy y'all
You know, this week was pretty normal. On Tuesday we had intercambios with the zone leaders, it was pretty intense. Both of them came to our area to spend the day and night. I went with Elder De la Cruz who goes home this transfer, and my companion went with Elder Mirón who is 27 years old. Of course, following tradition that night we ordered pizza. But the bad news is that mexican pizza causes a lot of gases, so you can imagine what happened after that. Needless to say I didn't sleep very well.
That day we had the district meeting which was great as always heh heh....Thursday was correlación misional. Sadly brother Eric didn't show up so the hermanas invited us to tacos. You know now that I'm thinking about it we ate a lot of tacos and pizza this week. On Wednesday we had a home evening with a family in our ward and they cooked us pizza. Then the hermano told us about how he was Juan el bautista en su mision. He said he bautized 800,000 people in his mission, whatever hermano. After that i told him that in mexico 99.3% of the people here are catholics er something like that, and then I told him that after my time here in guadalup only 99.2% of Mexico will be catholic heh heh heh. Things are going well here in Gaadalupe. When I showed up there was nothing, literally nothing. We've been able to find some new people who are willing to learn so that's been good. Elder Villegas has changed a lot too, he is now waking up at 6:30 every day heh heh, so that's good too. I'm gonna send some pictures I hope the computer doesn't rob my pictures again
Love Elder Webb
ok that didn't work to computer robbed my pictures again.

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